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How to Clean Coffee Machine – Step By Step Guides 

Having a coffee machine is pretty good. It lets you prepare your own cup in a comfortable manner, however, if you wish to keep your machine for a long period of time, it is crucial to properly take care of it. The majority of people have no idea how important cleaning their machine is – they believe that the water and coffee can’t make that much of a mess. Considering the fact that you use it on a daily basis cleaning your coffee maker is essential not just for the health of your machine but also for the flavor of your daily brew. The coffee buildup may make your cup taste bitter, and even worse, there may be mold and yeast hiding in the reservoir. While yeast and mold on a small scale are typically harmless, they might trigger an allergic reaction in certain people.

So, you should clean your machine on a regular basis to guarantee there are no surprises in your morning mug. This simple gesture will not only extend the life of the machine, but it will also provide cup after cup of great-tasting quality coffee. In this guide, we will provide you with all the essential information on how to clean a coffee machine, so make sure to stay tuned!

Drip Machine

Let’s start with the drip machine. Basic cleaning should be part of your coffee regimen to guarantee that your home auto-drip maker produces the best taste coffee and does not grow bacteria. First of all, it is important to note that you can always check and follow the cleaning instructions in your machine’s owner’s handbook. However, if you don’t have it, we have got you covered! Just follow these simple instructions listed below and you should be all set. For daily cleaning, all you will need is a little soap. However, you should clean your coffee maker with vinegar once a month or so. Here are the instructions for your daily cleaning:

  1. The first step is to free your machine from any leftover coffee grounds.
  2. After that, you can move on to the next step which includes washing the carafe and other detachable pieces (such as the filter basket) in the sink with warm, soapy water.
  3. Once you wash it, you can dry it either with a towel or let it dry itself.
  4. Wipe the machine down with a wet cloth.

And that’s all. As you can see the daily cleaning process is super simple and it should not take more than several minutes. And the results are pretty impressive, so make sure you are doing it frequently.

Precision Brewer

Cleaning your precision brewer can be a little tricky – that’s why the majority of these machines come with cleaning instructions to make sure that you are doing everything right in maintaining the long cycle of your coffee maker. So, the question is how to clean your coffee machine? This may sound weird, however, keep in mind that before cleaning, you should always switch off the coffee maker and unplug it from the power socket.

Considering the fact that precision brewer comes with different parts, we are going to talk about each of them separately. Let’s start with the outer housing. A gentle, moist cloth may be used to wipe the exterior casing and LCD screen.

  1. A cleaner should be applied to the cloth rather than the LCD surface.
  2. Using a soft, dry cloth, polish the surface.
  3. Dry paper towels and other types of cleansers may scrape the surface when cleaning and drying, so make sure to use something soft.

Now, let’s move on to the basket filter and the coffee basket.

  1. Start with taking out the coffee basket. Remove any leftover grounds and paper filter from the pot.
  2. Under running water, rinse the coffee basket and filter.
  3. For more thorough cleaning, you can wash the basket and filter in warm, soapy water.

And the last part includes cleaning the carafe. It is important to note that you should empty the carafe after each use. Allowing brewed coffee to stand overnight might cause the carafe to discolor. Other than that, the cleaning process is the same as it was in the case of basket and filter, you can use warm and soapy water and let the carafe dry itself.

Pour Over

The next question is how to clean a coffee machine called pour-over. Well, the good news is that these coffee makers are relatively easy to clean because they do not have many moving parts or distinct components, however, they still must be cleaned on a regular basis. Below, you can check out the simple instructions that are super easy to follow:

  1. Start cleaning your pour-over coffee maker using a light detergent and a bottle brush or toothbrush. This will let you remove the stains in an easy manner. If you need to remove filth from your dentures, a denture tablet might assist lift the grime without washing.
  2. The next step is to fill a bowl halfway with water and drop one or two pills in. It is a good idea to leave your coffee maker overnight so the cleaning process is as effective as possible.
  3. The next day, carefully wash it with soap and water. Allow the machine to thoroughly dry.

Single Serve

So, single-serve coffee makers are pretty convenient and used by the majority of Americans. However, here comes the regular question – how to clean a coffee machine with vinegar? Well, here is the best way to clean it:

  1. Make sure that the machine is unplugged.
  2. Take out all the components that are detachable from the machine, including the water reservoir. Warm, soapy water should be used to clean these areas. It is important to note that a dishwasher is not recommended. Allow these parts to air dry. Avoid using a towel to dry as it will let you prevent introducing lint or other particles into the reservoir.
  3. Wipe clean the surface of your machine
  4. Fill the dry reservoir with white vinegar and water and run the machine several times without the filter.
  5. After that, leave the machine for a few hours and then run it again several times until the vinegar is completely gone.
  6. When all of the vinegar solutions have been used up, run a couple of cycles of plain water to eliminate any remaining vinegar residues.
  7. You’re done! Your machine is clean and completely safe to use.

French Press

The majority of how to clean a coffee machine step by step guides suggest that you should just disassemble it and then wash. However, that is not the right approach – Luckily, we have been using French Press ourselves for quite some time now and we would like to share the best and easiest way to clean it properly. The essential things you are going to need include water, dish soap, and a sponge, along with a spatula. Once you have gathered these, you can start the cleaning process:

  1. Using your hands or a spatula, remove the coffee grounds.
  2. For a fast daily clean, combine dish soap with some water in the carafe, then push the plunger up and down until it becomes bubbly.
  3. Dump out the water, then scrub the plunger with your sponge. Rinse until the water flows clear.
  4. If you wish to do a deeper clean, then you need to disassemble the plunge
  5. Clean each item separately with a baking soda and water mixture. Scrub them with the paste using a sponge or a bottle brush, then thoroughly rinse.
  6. When the parts are dry, reassemble them so you can brew coffee again.
  7. Voila! You are done. That is how simple the process actually is.


The AeroPress is quite simple to clean. As you may have seen, AeroPress is made up of several pieces. It is critical to clean every element of the AeroPress to achieve the greatest extraction possible, which results in the best cup of coffee. To guarantee efficient extraction, AeroPress’s two plungers must be kept clean at all times. If you don’t want your coffee to taste a little bit odd, make sure to follow these simple steps on how to clean the coffee maker. After you’ve finished making coffee with your AeroPress, it’s advisable to rinse it. This will keep it fresh for a long period of time.

  1. Remove the filter cap and discard the coffee beans.
  2. Divide the plungers from the AeroPress.
  3. Thoroughly rinse the cylinder once the coffee is brewed.
  4. Take hold of the cylinder with the vacuum seal on the bottom.
  5. Make sure the vacuum seal is thoroughly rinsed and that no coffee oil remains.
  6. Then, rinse the filter cap and pat it dry with a kitchen towel.

It is important to note that this is not all – you can also clean your AeroPress using either vinegar or mild washing soap. The best way to wash it in vinegar is to disassemble the parts and let them soak in vinegar for some time. All in all, the process is pretty simple and nothing too complicated.

Cold Brew

Making cold brew is becoming increasingly popular. It’s a fantastic technique to prepare iced coffee, and many people prefer it over hot brewed coffee. Cold-brew makers are essentially pitchers with internal gadgetry that allows you to brew coffee in a comfortable manner. Even though your cold brew machine spends most of its time in the fridge, it is still necessary to clean it since germs and mold may still thrive in cold areas. All you are going to need is water, mild soap, and a scrub brush. If you have all of these, then congratulations. You are ready to start your cleaning process, which looks something like the following:

  1. Remove your filter from the machine. Then thoroughly clean the pitcher with soap and water to remove any leftovers.
  2. Scrub the filters in the same way you would a French press. Make careful to separate them and scrub each one individually.
  3. Let them dry before reassembling to avoid moisture trapping.

That’s it! However, we would also like to give you another tip. Pour your cold brew into a separate container and strain off the coffee grounds as soon as it’s finished brewing. You won’t get mold in the filter this way, and you’ll be able to clean it up straight immediately.


There are several factors that go into making the ideal shot of espresso, including water & coffee quality, and equipment. However, one crucial step that is sometimes ignored is cleaning. Due to the fact that the Espresso machine is a little more complicated compared to other machines that we have discussed earlier, cleaning it might not look very easy at first. However, don’t worry as our how to clean coffee machine step by step guide will help you figure it out.

  1. The first step is to flush and scrub. It is important to scrub all the parts such as the portafilter gasket, group brush, and shower screen edges.
  2. Wipe off the exterior of the steam wand with a clean dish towel dampened with clean water.
  3. Remove any residue from the basket by wiping it down with a clean towel. Then, disassemble your portafilter and clean each component well.
  4. Fill the big container halfway with water to cover the basket and portafilter. Submerge the portafilter and basket in the water after adding some cleaning detergent and ensuring it dissolves. Allow these parts to soak for about 30 minutes before removing and rinsing with clean water and drying with a cloth.
  5. Use a clean towel to wipe off the outside of the machine to remove any dirt and grime. Before you start brewing again, should take a seasoning shot. This is something you should perform after every chemical clean to guarantee that all residues have been flushed.

Regardless of the type or brand of espresso machine you use, it is essential to create a regular cleaning practice to maintain appropriate maintenance and the finest espresso possible.


There are two kinds of stovetops available – Glass and gas. In this guide, we are going to focus on a glass stovetop, however, the process for a gas stovetop is not very different and you can easily earn it by following some simple steps. So, you are going to need baking soda, along with mild soap and a towel. Then, here are the instructions on how to clean a coffee maker without vinegar.

  1. Start with using a dry cloth to remove any scattered pieces of rubbish.
  2. Pour baking soda into the glass
  3. Mix some hot water with your dish soap in a big sink. Make sure that your water is not too hot, otherwise, your hands might get burned. Wring out the cloth or towel after dipping it into the water.
  4. Place the cloth immediately on top of the baking soda. Depending on the size of the towel you’re using, you may need to repeat this step to ensure that you cover the whole surface area of the stovetop. Allow the baking soda to soak in a steam bath created by the warm, sudsy towel. Leave it for 30 minutes.
  5. Wipe away the baking soda with the same cloth. Rinse and repeat if you wish to get the best possible results.


Because you don’t have to bother with different complicated parts and components with a percolator, it is relatively easy to clean. The good thing about these machines is the fact that it is more durable, surviving not only for months but years! While you should wash your percolator after each use with dish soap, this is more appropriate for deep cleaning the device once a month. This is one of the how-to clean coffee machines with vinegar guides, so make sure to have it before you start the cleaning process. Here are the steps:

  1. Fill the percolator with water.
  2. Then add baking soda into the water (optionally, you can also add some salt – that will help remove the weird smell).
  3. Place your percolator on the burner and turn the heat on
  4. Allow the water to cool somewhat before scrubbing the interior with a brush to remove any residue.
  5. Remove the water and thoroughly rinse.
  6. Then, add equal parts of vinegar and water to your percolator.
  7. Repeat the brewing cycle and wait for the percolator to perk before discarding the water and rinsing once more.
  8. Repeat the third brewing cycle – you might have to repeat this process several times until you are confident that your machine does not smell anything like vinegar anymore.


Not everyone might know but Vietnamese Phin filters are quite sensitive. Although they are completely safe for dishwashers, people who hand wash them must also take proper care. As with any kitchen product, normal wear and tear happen, but careful care will guarantee that your phin filter lasts and operates eternally. So, how do you exactly clean it? The process looks something like the following:

  1. After use, remove the lilypad from the chamber.
  2. Gently remove any leftover coffee grounds.
  3. Use the soft side of a sponge with soap on it to clean the filter. Keep in mind that you should not use the hard side as it can easily scratch and damage the surface of your filter.
  4. Let it dry and that’s all! Your Phin filter is cleaned.

If you are not a fan of hand washing, you can also use the dishwasher, if you have one.

Moka Pot

Fortunately, cleaning your Moka pot is a simple task. It simply takes a few minutes of your time, but it prevents your Moka pot from ruining your kitchen or, worse, spoiling the flavor of your coffee. In order to start the cleaning process, you will need to provide yourself with paper towels and white vinegar. So, here are the instructions for your Moka pot cleaning:

  1. Add water into the lower chamber of your coffee maker.
  2. After that, add your white vinegar into the water
  3. Assemble your Moka Pot and set it aside either for a few hours or overnight. The vinegar will help gradually dissolve any oils or mineral build-up.
  4. Pour away some of the water and put the acidic water in the pot through a standard brew cycle after a few hours.
  5. Pour off the vinegar water and dismantle the pot when it is cold enough to handle. Each part of your Moka Pot should be rinsed under hot running water and dried with a paper towel.
  6. And that’s pretty much it! Your Moka Pot is ready to be used again.

It is important to note that cleaning your coffee maker should not be once in a lifetime experience. If you want your cup to taste good, then you should do it frequently.


A siphon coffee maker is a stunning piece of art that allows you to produce great coffee. Maintaining proper cleaning is essential to ensuring that you continue to obtain the same high-quality flavor. So, how to clean a coffee machine? Cleaning your siphon is a pretty simple process – The techniques might differ slightly depending on the type of coffee maker you use, but they are all quite easy.

  1. In case your Siphon comes with a glass container, simply rinse it with water and scrub the upper chamber with a sponge soap scrub and you’re ready to go.
  2. If you have a metal vacuum brewer, you should use a harsher metal cleanser once in a while and soak it for an hour or two before rinsing well.
  3. If you own a vacuum Siphon brewer that comes with its own heating mechanism, it is very important to know that you should never immerse the bottom pot in water. Aside from that, the cleaning method remains the same.

After all, we do believe that true coffee lovers should always take proper care of the machines that provide them with such pleasurable experiences. Many people nowadays believe that a machine with little utilization does not require cleaning as frequently as a machine with heavy usage, however, this is very far from reality. By following our guides on how to clean your coffee machine you will definitely be able to provide yourself with a good tasting coffee and additionally, you will also save a lot of money – You won’t have to replace your coffee maker often, which definitely counts for something.

Frequently Asked Questions on How To Clean Coffee Machine

How do I clean my coffee maker without vinegar?

Can I use baking soda to clean my espresso machine?

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