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Lempira Coffee Variety – Arabica Subspecies

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  • Flavor Profile: Bright acidity with a full body and a very strong fruity flavor
  • Grown in: Honduras
Flavor Bright acidity with a full body and a very strong fruity flavor
Grown In Honduras

Lempira coffee beans are a hybrid of the Caturra and Timor coffee varieties, both of which are Arabica subspecies. They are commonly grown in Honduras. It was known for being resistant to coffee leaf rust but is not anymore. Lempira has just been shown scientifically to be vulnerable to coffee leaf rust in Honduras and it may potentially be vulnerable in other parts of Central America. For this variety, acidic grounds and soils high in aluminum are preferred. Additionally, coffee specialists recommend that these beans are grown in some of the hottest climates.

Lempira flourishes in hot conditions and acidic ground and produces big quantities of average-sized coffee beans. It is a tiny plant with bronze-tipped leaves that demands a lot of fertilizers. It is vulnerable to rust disease and Ojo de Gallo, a fungus that promotes defoliation or berry loss and is characterized by tiny yellow leaf spots.

Lempira may be more resilient than other kinds, and it also requires additional nutrients, which will be an expensive investment for most growers. That’s why its cost might be expensive – but as a result, purchasers and users are able to receive top-quality coffee.

In this Lempira coffee variety review, we are going to further explain the overall background of Lempira coffee beans, so make sure to stay tuned.

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The Background Of Lempira Coffee Beans

Recently, data from Honduras indicated that coffee leaf rust, an airborne fungal disease that has decimated Latin American coffee output in recent times, had reappeared to the nation and was destroying plants considered to be disease-resistant, including those from the Lempira coffee type. The IHCAFE, Honduras’ main coffee agency, also detected Lempira rust infestations.

It should be noted that Lempira coffee is a high-yielding cultivar produced by IHCAFE that has been extensively planted mainly in Honduras after the 2012 coffee leaf rust epidemic. According to World Coffee Research’s news release, it is yet unknown why Lempira is now afflicted with rust, however, there are two major possibilities. One rust race that has been formerly prevalent in Honduras has evolved in an attempt to improve Lempira’s rust resistance. Two, the yet unknown rust race has arrived in the region of Honduras. IHCAFE gathered spore samples in order to determine the rust race and submitted them to a Portuguese research institution. The overall results have not arrived yet but they will soon become clear.

All of these complex backgrounds of the Lempira coffee beans make this variety even more interesting and one of a kind. Besides, the flavor of the beans is also very unique and special. This is why so many coffee lovers want to experience the true Lempira coffee beans aroma.

Best Lempira Coffee Brands To Buy Online

If you wish to get some of the best Lempira coffee brands then you should know that they are pretty hard to get straight from Honduras and also have to do with many headaches such as logistics, payments, etc. It is best to order your Amazon coffee always, it is a very comfortable way – in less than 24 hours, you can get your product with just 1 click.

We have already researched the Lempira coffee brands for this article. Unfortunately, there are no trustworthy brands that sell them on Amazon at this time. But we recommend checking our Honduras page to find at least some relevant options that might be very interesting for you.

Frequently Asked Questions on Lempira Coffee Beans

What is Lempira coffee?

What does Lempira coffee taste like?